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Showing posts from March, 2020

A reflection // Una reflexión

//A reflection: The uncertainty of life Uncertainty is, I dare say, the only absolute truth of life, and it is precisely this truth, which humans often forget, that enables us to appreciate the simple, yet most meaningful things of life. As Socrates once stated, the only thing we know is that we know nothing. Since the origin of our existence, humans have incessantly pursued evolution, development, change. Yet what still remains unaltered among all this innovation, is the uncertainty. The uncertainty of the past, the present and the future. The ambiguity of life. It is too often that we forget this simple truth. We fail to remember that in reality, we control nothing, we know nothing, we have power over nothing. More importantly, we forget the fragility of human life. We forget all this because it is too complex to understand, and humanity is too fearful of accepting what it does not understand. We opt instead, to live on the surface of life, fixed in the ma...


Mis sentimientos, son demasiado intensos. Si siento, sufro. Si no siento, no vivo. El sentir, no siempre me hace feliz. El no sentir, significa meramente existir. Ese eterno dilema, que sin descanso me tortura. ¿Sentir, o no sentir?

Las apariencias engañan.

Una muchachita guapa, Con un estilo excepcional. Carismática y sin duda perspicaz.  Así describiría su exterior. La corteza de su persona aparentaba ser flamante y sana.  Pero una vez mirabas a través de su fachada,  y pelabas las infinitas capas hasta llegar a su núcleo,  La repugnante oscuridad era evidente. Estaba destrozada por dentro, absolutamente podrida.  Irreparable. Era una negrura que consumía su alma, contaminaba su esencia, y la llevaba lentamente al abismo de la locura Que ironía, tan intacta por fuera, tan rota por dentro.