The Reader" by Bernhard Schlink is the story of a 15-year-old boy who has an affair with an older woman. This romantic novel is one full of historical and social context. It explores many universal themes and human truths, that make readers reflect deeply and question themselves. Personally, I'm kind of love/hate this book. It's not that I didn't like it, it's just that it left me feeling completely overwhelmed and utterly confused. In my opinion, it lacked characterization. I was unable to understand the character in its entirety, and therefore I was unable to make a solid perception of her and her decisions. For me, the ending was terrible, okay maybe not terrible, but it was undeveloped and confusing; It left me feeling hopeless and irritated because it left me with too many questions, questions I will never have the answers to. The whole book and it's ending left me feeling like I feel when I ask myself when I'm going to die. It is a curious question...
Paulina Alarcón