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Showing posts from July, 2018


She is the sun, Intense, with such burning desire to live. Crazy, young, manipulative, Confident, with her outgoing personality. She is competitive and ambitious, There is nothing she is scared to experience. Her recklessness is attractive but surely deadly; And although her blaze is lusted by many, It is loved by none. She is the moon, Shrouded and concealed. With fear of everything; merely living. Appearing only when people sleep and the sky is dark. Her insecurity prevents her from exposing her true potential, So she settles for an ordinary, easy life; When in reality she’s the embodiment of art. But in her silence, she is wiser, And in her thoughts, her maturity is exposed. She was so much more interesting because of the fact that no one truly knew her...

La Verdadera Seducción

Sus ojos me penetran tan intensamente, Que me desnudan sin permiso, Me atraen ciegamente hacia ella. Es una hija de puta, Tan buena jugando, tan buena ganando. Con su carisma venenoso, Me atrapa en su red, Con su sonrisa traviesa, Caigo a sus pies. Con sus palabras, ni se diga. Apelaba a mis sentimientos y nublaba todo sano juicio. Me hacía creer que yo tenía el control, Maldita buena táctica de manipulación. Lo más jodido es que sin darte cuenta, Sos suyo, y no podes de un dia para otro dejarla. Porque hasta lo hija de puta que es; amas.